Cold comfort office
The chimney sweep was supposed to come yesterday - we haven’t turned the stoves on yet because it hadn’t been done. We called him an hour after the appointment time only to discover he has been in hospital for a while. Next appointment 20th December. Of course I’m sorry he’s in hospital, but it might have been helpful if his secretary could have called customers. Hard to find anyone else now.
Mr B took advantage of this to do the stove switching that he has had planned for a while. And no, I don’t know why that had to wait until we need the stoves on, instead of being done in the summer.
Hence my office chimney pipe is in pieces, and Mr B is at the DIY store looking for bits of chimney pipe so the other stove (bigger but ferociously noisier) can be plumbed in.
Blankets and hot water bottle protocol continues!
In other news, the plumbers have finished for now, the electricians are working on the top floor and outside the sun is shining…
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