
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 64/83
Main activity: Wed - gallery
Notes: Big day, woke 2a-something and then again around 5a. Did qigong and some stretching, made coffee and got ready to go. Left 730a, went down Starkey and across Tyrone - took over 30 min and pretty heavy traffic. Spent pretty much the whole day inputting vendors and their products to start getting the POS set up thru Shopify. Joe called in the morning and left voicemail - said they've agreed on divorce and plan to put the house on the market in March (??).  Lots to do and only made a dent. Headed back just after 3p, ate as soon as I got back and then showered and relaxed. This is the mural on the east side of the building - I guess it's a very popular one in the area and the only donkey. Ha! To bed just after 10p.

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