
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 59/80
Main activity: Tues - errands, around the house
Notes: Got an email from Joe last night that he just got out of the hospital (and he wrote "tmi" before it ??) so no clue what's going on and didn't respond. Was awake 2a-something until 430 or 5a then slept a bit more. Was chatting back and forth some w/ Jo on Telegram (she's now 15 hrs ahead) and watching Phil G on Rumble - he says all is moving ahead and in place now for the gold-backed system and he predicts many more banks will continue to fail in the near future. Once I finally got up, had coffee and decided to run out for couple quick errands. Told Ellen I wouldn't make it to the gallery today. Hit the ATM on N Missouri, first time to that one. Then on to Food Patch for a few quick items and decided to get grass-fed filets again (3 small ones) and a couple more shiitake mushrooms. Went to the pool once I got back, just after 10a and already sun feeling quite hot. Ran into Nestor on my return and he's leaving the complex and area - says something is missing and he just can't find balance (interesting). He wants to go out west for awhile. Shower then and texted back and forth w/ Kathy while I cleaned up the kitchen. Wanted to rest early so went for a meditation. Couldn't sleep so got busy in the kitchen, made chicken salad and avo mayo.  Warmed up leftovers and heated some fresh chicken broth. Quiet rest of the day. Attempted a manual wash of the paint clothes but it didn't come out. Cooled off early and getting dark so early now. Am mostly bored trying to watch anything, went to bed a little after 9p. (Intersection of Cleveland & Missouri coming back from Food Patch.)

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