Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Photos from Leeds Liverpool canal walk.

The wind has transported the vibrant leaves into other front gardens on the Close.I sweep up great buckets full once a day, but still they fall and scatter. I clear up the lawn and the pavement near the drain, hoping they don't block it up. It is just a daily task and neither enjoyable nor too burdensome. This blipfoto shows how most leaves have gone and the days ahead will not involve much more sweeping thankfully.
I have finally achieved an inner peace as we wait for Paul's biopsy results. Whatever is revealed, I continue to believe everything is for a reason and God gives us the strength equal to each challenge and crisis we are asked to face.
The week has flown.
Maria has joined an evening Art class. She was given the opportunity to make some greetings cards with drawn images of hydrangeas in a vase. My Grandson is also artistic and studying for a Betec at Blackburn College.
It is good when we can follow a life path that brings out our talents and heart centred gifts.
I enjoyed a canal walk this morning. It is 6c, bright and dazzlingly sunny. There weren't many dog walkers out there.
I hope you have an enjoyable Thursday blip friends.

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