
By SparseRunner


This morning was beautifully sunny so, although I got up a little late, I gave Django a longer walk, taking in the beechwoods on the edge of Penicuik. A had an interview in Edinburgh, and we went in on the bus together. 

At work I had a visit from my (now former) PhD student M, who was visiting Edinburgh with his wife. I've not seen him in person for three years, since he returned to Edinburgh after the first lockdown in order to clear his flat. Life's taken him on a rather different path since then, and I understand his decision not to complete his PhD. He'll be fine professionally, and he's made a worthwhile contribution to our software. 

I the got stuck into programming, and was reasonably efficient, although I was very tired when the time came to go into Edinburgh to meet A in order to see a performance of "The Welkin" at the Bedlam Theatre, in which daughter L has a role. It's now the interval, and it's quite good.

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