
By cracker


This morning we went to Spencer's soccer. It was a blue sky day but the wind was really cold!! The boys had a great game, winning about 10-0. Spence kicked a goal which was great!

We left soccer and went and watched Holly play netball which was good. Home for lunch then met Fleur and her family at the park for a play and so her and I could pick up race bibs for the 10km run her and Kaz are doing tomorrow and the 3km walk all of us are doing!

We then came home, got ready and went to Kath and Greg's house for our potluck dinner with Deb & Greg and Nat & Rob also. Everyone has two kids but spence is the only boy! He copes quite well!! We had a great night and ended up singing karaoke! A bit of Pink and Bohemian Rhapsody for me!!

Here is Joti looking quite relaxed in her high chair eating corn flakes!!

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