
By cracker

Family walk!

This morning Fleur came early and picked up Kaz so they could go to the start of their 10km run. Joti didn't wake up until nearly 7 and I had to wake Spence up at 7.15 so we could meet Craig and the boys at their house and walk to the finish of the 10km run which was the start of the 3km walk which we were all doing!

Fleur finished the run just under an hour and Kaz about an hour ten. There was just enough time for them to catch their breath and have a drink before the start of the walk.

Harry ran off, Craig and Ted ran together, spence and I walked/ran and Fleur pushing Leo and Kaz pushing Joti walked together! Harry finished it in about 8th place, Ted ( who is 5) ran the whole way, spence ran in the 'fun run' bits (down hill!!) and the prams mosied along!

It was a great day! Blue skies, no wind, the route was on the path along the beach! It was great! We had breakfast and a play at the park afterwards then went home for lunch!

This afternoon we went over to Greg and Debbie's house so Kaz could borrow a sledgehammer for her renovation which starts tomorrow. Spence was excited because he got to play with Willow and savannah!

Tonight is the night when we are trying to get Joti out of her habit of waking up four times a night for a feed which she doesn't need. We are going to just let her cry! It may seem harsh but in the long run it will be so much better for us all! It is so draining getting up for her at night, disruptive to both Kaz and I. Luckily Spence doesn't wake up and hopefully he won't tonight when we leave her to cry. We will see how we go!!

Here we all are before the start of the walk!

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