
We met these lovely girls near one of the main squares today. They were wearing traditional Fallas costumes. Bit early though as the Fallas Festival doesn’t take place until March!
We packed a lot in today. In the morning we went to a Gregorian Chant Mass in the Holy Grail Chapel of Valencia Cathedral (it has a strong claim to being the cup that Christ used at the Last Supper….jury out) then we went to another church to listen to Valencian choirboys singing (wonderful) and finally we climbed up the Cathedral’s bell tower (El Miguelete). By the time we got back to the flat we were done in!
Undeterred, after a late lunch and a short siesta, we went to the Jameson Whiskey night at our local bookstore bar. There was an excellent Blues band playing live and I won a hat for Mr P. Who knew that Jameson and Ginger Ale was such a tasty drink!

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