
By Farmerboab

World wide Web.....

A frosty start to the day.
Round to feed all the outside cattle then took straw out to the ones that needed.
After lunch,sorted out and clipped the cattle for the mart on Monday. Decided they didn't need their bellies clipped as my back has been playing up again and didn't think I could bend over enough. Or if I did it would go ping and that would be the job knackered. Was just sorting out the passports and paperwork for them when a neighbour from down the road phoned to say there were some motorbikes running about in one of our fields . By the time I got down there they had buggered off ,but found the gate they had got in by dismantling the railing to get the chain and padlock over the gate post. Nailed everything back up and nipped in to see my contractor about hauling dung next week. A quick coffee ( would have been rude to refuse ) then back up the road to feed cattle again.
This field was absolutely covered in spider webs,the sun showing them up well.

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