Hotting up . . .

. . . today in Madrid as centre right and far right Spaniards took to the streets to protest against what the PSOE socialist party is doing to form a new government. They are using alarmist language taken fromTrump, that what they are experiencing is ‘electoral fraud’. The right wing party, PP, won more votes but couldn’t form a government with a majority of seats given that their only willing bedmates were the far right Vox party. The second party in terms of votes, the centre left PSOE, was asked to form a government by the king and has woven a coalition of other parliamentary seat holders from other parties through negotiation and compromise sufficient to constitute a majority of seats and thus able to form a government. The disgruntled right call this fraud while in any other part of Europe it is called negotiated coalition-making by representatives of the voters.

Take this languageing, along with ‘the mob’ references by the British Home Secretary and questioning of police objectivity, and you have the makings of authoritarian rule . . . if you have a doubt about this look at the Rise of the Nazis series on BBC 4 iplayer.

It is only a breath or two away.

A collage in extras of our last day here.

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