Bromeliad relocation

A slow start to the day. Daughter J was due to back from her trip to England at 11:05, and I took the day off from the Centre to collect her from the airport. As the plane was slightly delayed (10  mins) we were in plenty of time to greet her coming out of customs and immigration. Then took her to her home where her two cats (litter mates) greeted her with great affection (anthropomorphism). One tolerated S stroking him; neither wanted much to do with me.

A  late lunch and then I went back to the garden, putting garden mix (purchased) and compost (made here) into the 'planter boxes' S had the builders create with a board between the deep set piles of the retaining wall. Plants have yet to come; S will do that.

My job was to move the bromeliads (well, three of them) from the edge of the backyard to near the base of some of the Ponga. Usually when I do anything with Bromeliads, I end up with multiple puncture wounds on both arms. This time I managed with no discernible damage to me, or the Bromeliads, or the Ponga.

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