Playing Doctors

Dressing up to play
doctors. Off to interview.
Seems he's a Shoe In.

Ben likes to do role play.  One old favourite is 'Doctors'.  It follows a pattern.  He goes to a shop to buy a suit and then his mum makes his tea and books him a taxi and he heads off to his interview.  He apparently has lots of experience.  Today he informed the interviewer he used to work in Glasgow and he has a certificate saying 'Ben is a Great Surgeon'.  I expect the actual NHS criteria is more stringent but today he got the job.  Partly because in role play games he insists on everyone's dialogue, not just his own.  At least it means you don't have to be too creative when you're playing with him!
Other than that, I did some shopping, walked Leo (muddy), had physio for my neck and fetched Ben. Just very Monday-ish

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