Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Clearing the riverbed

The autumn task of clearing the riverbed has begun. This is particularly important as heavy winter rain can produce torrential flow through the village. The river has been canalised for a good section but undergrowth and small trees must not be allowed to grow too extensively. What can happen, is that vegetation is ripped up in a storm and then forms a natural dam downstream which then can burst at some point and release catastrophic flooding. This is what happened in 1940 when several such natural dams burst upstream and the cumulative force of the released water swept away several large hotels and devastated parts of the village.
I went to my tennis lesson after an early lunch as usual and then onto the French conversation group. Since then I have been reading two applications for the vacant post of chaplain for the local Anglican Church. We will be in competition with three other parishes in France to secure the services of one of the applicants.

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