Between fen and mountains

By Tickytocky

Quartier Saint Jacques

I spent a rather frustrating morning trying to sort out some admin with a company in the UK. I simply wanted to change bank account details but they want all sorts of proofs of identity and a copy of a bank statement printed off in the bank and signed in the bank and also proof of address from actual letters received. Given that I cannot go into my bank branch and receive all my statements online, both requests are impossible. It took me two hours to get any sense out of them in trying to find a solution!
The afternoon was more relaxing and I think I have finished this painting. It is of the well known Arab and Gypsy quarter in Perpignan.
While typing this, I received the news of the death of a good friend this afternoon. He had been in remission from leukaemia for many years but was feeling unwell over the weekend. The only blessing is that his decline was rapid. Such news is always a reminder that, in truth, life always hangs by a thread and that we must make the most of every single day.

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