Please Sir, I don't think that's right
I may not have been paying much attention in double maths with Mr Brian, but I'm sure there's something wrong here.
Day one of camera free living went off reasonably well. I left the house with 3 camera options in case any one of them let me down: my phone, my daughter's Olympus point & shoot (found in my handbag after a long search!) and my Flip video thing which you can pull stills from too. I almost took the old film slr too, but felt like that would be overkill...
Some surprise was expressed yesterday at me letting Mr B steal my camera out of the country. I probably didn't entirely give you all the facts in my panicked state.
Firstly, we are trying to sell our house in France (boo) and he needs a nice shot of the house to help that process. Somehow in all our time down there we've never managed to get a shot without unphotoshoppable out kids and mess in the way.
Also, he has just offered to swap computers with me: so I get the huge fancy pants media machine, and he gets my crappy old bashed 80gb laptop that I complain about several times every day. In fact, it's so slow that I always have a book by the computer to read while it's working on something hard (like saving a Word document or cropping a picture in PSE). I recently estimated (while the blue Vista circle whirled pointlessly doing nothing) that I have spent one year of my life waiting for the computer to finish doing something. And I've only had it for two years.
Anyway, he had a rubbish day: got up at 4.30 am, spent hours trying to find Ikea in Toulouse, went to Ikea in a foreign language, then spent several hours de-sludging our pool. All I had to cope with was a very very very naughty boy in Tescos. (He ripped open the packet of a toy he wanted in front of a Tesco person so I would have to buy it. Obviously it's hidden on a high shelf in our house now so he can't have it. I had to tell him off lots while trying to hide my admiration for him having worked out that tactic so early.) Internet shopping for a while I think.....
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