Sports Day
Katherine's house, which normally comes last, was second this year - they must have had an influx of sporty P1s. The weather was kind (not too hot) and we all sat and had a picnic afterwards on the school field. Always interesting watching a big group of folk like that move and swerve and greet and avoid - well, interesting when you know all the gossip and stories.
Conor was having a whiny "no" kind of day. So we had a lazy afternoon telly watching, calling grandma and baking. He is fast asleep on the sofa just now (with me finally having twigged that his returning eczema, grumpiness, black circles under the eyes are probably caused by tiredness from his constant coughing. I think he has hayfever, but manifesting as a constant cough because of his asthma. Anyway, it's keeping him from sleeping properly.
We'll all have to jump in the car and head off to get Mr B soon, home for the weekend very conveniently to help me lug all the gear down to the beach tomorrow morning for the first (of many hopefully) 'blip goes to the beach'. Northern has suggested a sandcastle contest, and our esteemed founder has promised to swim with nothing but a teeny pair of speedos between him and the icy north sea (and jellyfish). With attractions like that, and Scobes in a mankini: how could you stay away?
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