
By LadyFindhorn

More of the Same

We have had yet another day of rain and gloom, but I had the excitement of a visit to the physiotherapist at my doctor’s practice  to see if she had a magic cure for the pain in my leg. I thought it unlikely there would be a quick fix and I was right. If I do the exercises she gave me twice a day there might be an improvement by Christmas. It appears age has caught up with my sacroiliac joints. I hate doing exercises, but I hate even more having a pain  when I walk so I guess there’s no alternative but to obey her.

From there it was just a hop skip and limp to the Black Ivy to be treated to a Birthday lunch by a very kind friend. The lunch turned out to be a brunch when we both ordered all day vegetarian breakfasts. I have to say they were delicious but there is a big signal  now in my brain saying nil by mouth  for the rest of the day.

As the light fades on another short day, my youngest daughter is popping in later to say hello as she makes her way to see David and Luca for the evening. She is up from Yorkshire for two days to speak at a conference in Edinburgh and is staying with her big sister,  #1daughter. It is a flying visit but she is hoping to return with her two boys before Christmas.

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