
By 58jc

Average day

SIL stayed over last night and they had an early solicitor appointment to sort out MIL house sale.  She is now in a care home costing ££ so inheritance will be going slowly out of the window!!

I did BP first thing and the sun was out when I got back to didn't bother with breakfast but went out to plant the last of the bulbs.  I tried to do a bit of weeding and cutting back but the ground was very wet and muddy and I was tired after BP.  I came in for lunch and had a nice chat with No.1 who had had a visit from high up boss at work.  She was worried it might be the first of a 'when are you coming back chat' but she was delighted to be mistaken and boss came laden with gifts and positive chat and encouragement.  She rang me on a walk and is walking more and more as time progresses.  Definitely onward and upwards!  I also had a long chat with my sister who said that she had arranged a little Christmas gift to be sent to No.1 - she sent me a picture (above).

I decided to do some patchwork this afternoon and tried a few new blocks with the scraps that I have left over.  I really need to buy some more supplies before I start on the next one.

New phone arrived so I spent a few hours sorting out both mine and OH phone (he has had my old one).  Can't get the apple watch to sync so might have to take a trip to the Apple store?  SIL stayed for dinner then drove home. OH watched football on TV as his team were playing a very minor league in the FA cup (I think) pleased to say they won 6:1.

Day done

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