There and back again

By Mikes

Happy Families

Got up feeling better than I thought I would this morning after a fantastic party last night at the Rugglestone Inn at Widecombe-in-the-moor. Great company and plenty of "crack" as my wife would say and arriving back home well after midnight after crossing the moor in the dark, always fun and Mrs M driving.

This morning was wet as promised but not so bad as to spoil our walk and we were soon in the company of a great number of ponies and their foal and in the distance some highland cattle with calves being looked after by a large bull!!

This little group were up on Hookney Tor. There was another pony a short distance away, quite happy for the little brown and white one to play with the little gray and non of them bothered by us.

This morning the Jones family came over for lunch and I received some very generous gifts for fathers day and was granted permission to slip away for a wee doze! All visitors gone now and it seems to be turning to a pleasant evening.

This picture may benefit from being looked at LARGE, I know some of you like perusing all things included in the shot and that track coming over the hillside over on the right, is part of the "Two Moors Way" that runs down across Exmoor and Dartmoor and is a well used route of over 100 miles in length.
Have a nice evening

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