
By rat


It was clear when I arrived st the park for the Health Walk, 5 mins later the haar rolled in. It did clear a bit and was fine once I was further from the river later.
We've had a catalogue of misfortunes in the kitchen area at church. First one of the oven's control panel failed (someone coming to look at it tomorrow), then floods under the sink just before cafe so one was unusable until our Mr Fixit came in at the end, and then a door fell off a cupboard (a low down one so no injuries) - and that has been left.
We survived cafe and it was slightly less busy than some days and were able to leave everything in reasonable order.
I went for a short run at dusk and did a bit of sewing but have spent ages trying to sort files on the computer. It was so much easier when they were on paper (but less easy to send on to anyone) and I keep telling myself I should sort them more often.

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