
By soozsnapz

Oh hello!

I wasn’t expecting you til May. 
A day at home, looking after Portia and trying to sort out a few things with the decorator, as he is coming to the end of the first three rooms to be done - kitchen, bathroom and my bedroom.  Leaving me between now and the end of the year to get those three room organised, less stuff, more storage space, in some cases new  lights, curtains and floor covering, and more besides. Now it’s coming to an end, I recognise how stressful it’s been, especially sleeping in a room which is full of teetering piles of stored stuff, with just a narrow path to get to the bed. 
Portia is still poorly and sleeping most of the time.  But luckily she is eating the the little plates of tuna fish with crushed pain killers, or antibiotics, 3 times a day. And I remember that antibiotics make me feel poorly, so I’m hoping it’s that.  And sleeping is good for helping yourself to get better.  I think cats are generally quite wise.
I enjoyed seeing my lovely wallflowers, though mildly concerned that the seasons are in such a muddle. I was out at the apple tree feeding the birds, and this was just nearby.  I’ve a feeling that a blipper I follow - almond blossom -  will like the colour.  As do I:)

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