Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice


See extras for the before.  And also the VERY dusty bits I've removed.  These bits have now gone, dust and all, into a bag in a cupboard.  Should I keep them?

I rang Autoglass again this morning - they reckoned they'd "just had the confirmation through from our insurers".  Unfortunately the earliest the local place can do the job is next Wednesday - apparently it needs a special technician from Dublin to calibrate it.  The crack is a bit big to risk anything but local journeys, so another weekend spent largely around the house (or mansion, as my younger daughter has just called it).

Unfortunately, the guy who was supposed to come tomorrow to talk about the wildlife pond has Covid, so that's put off for another week.

I spent time sorting the room thermostats now that we have made some decisions on how we'll run our heating.  It was warmer this morning, but the nature of the underfloor heating is to gradually warm the place, so it's taking a while.

And more hand quilting.

And I listened to someone playing a flute - does that count as practice?

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