
By soozsnapz

Totterdown Arts Trail

Quite a good day. I have discovered Dunelm! Having been thwarted by the local curtain-making shop having no curtain-makers, I followed my daughter-in-laws advice to this wonderful store - where I found beautiful ready-made velvet curtains for my bedroom - the staff were helpful and knowledgeable, and made sure I got the right pole and fittings. 
I had lunch in a cafe with one friend - retired like me - she has two volunteer jobs.  One is in the care home where her mum lived - and recently a group of 6 residents were taken on a caravan holiday weekend in Weymouth. She showed me the photos - they had walked on the beach, eaten ice-cream, met the donkeys, ridden on a horse carousel, and had fun.  So lovely.
 I met another friend in a cafe near home for a teatime catch-up.  It was good to see her, and great to talk over current happenings with a wise pal.  On my way back I saw the first duck on an orange flag this year.  It’s the sign that the house is participating in the arts trail. I usually go to this one - in my road - as she makes affordable beautiful pottery, like mugs and bowls, which make brilliant gifts. But I’m strangely reluctant to go around and ‘do’ the arts trail itself.  I like my artists to be dead, preferably, or at least a nice long way away - and most certainly not in the same room waiting for a response. I don’t have the vocabulary to discuss art, so would feel tongue tied and embarrassed. I’m aware I’m silly and lots of people love them. 

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