
By soozsnapz

My first ever blipmeet:-)

This is Serpentine. I began to follow her during this past year when I realised she is also in Bristol. She is a real plantswoman - you can often see her lovely garden on her blips, and she is also involved with Blaise Community Garden - based in a huge Victorian walled garden, part of the 18th century mansion* . Today they had a winter fair - as they’re raising the funds to fix the original Victorian greenhouse.  Her houseplant stall was so tempting - everything was grown from cuttings of her own plants at home, and so beautiful and interesting, I ended up buying 5:-) In some ways it wasn’t ideal as a blipmeet as she had a constant stream of customers, and of course everyone wanted advice on how to care for their purchase. So we arranged to meet again in the community garden cafe before too long. Look forward to that.
* I have to add - the estate is owned by Bristol city council - it’s a  huge space, providing a museum, playgrounds, cafes, beautiful walks. It’s obviously much loved, and was busy with many people out even on a wet November morning. In the late 18th century it was owned by Thomas Farr, who made his fortune from sugar and the transatlantic slave trade. He had the famous castle folly built on a hill, from which views of the river Avon can be enjoyed.  It’s mentioned by Jane Austen in Northanger Abbey as being a fine place to visit. The current mansion was built by a subsequent owner in 1798 - John Hartford, a Bristol merchant and banker. The grounds were designed by landscape gardener Humphrey Repton

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