The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mightier Than The Sword

Dear O'H dear, Lovely Tea Jenny and The Mini Princesses,

The doorbell rang but as I went to answer the door, I could see it wasn’t a delivery and swerved into the spare room (where The Prince was working).

“You’ll have to answer the door”, I said. “THERE’S A MAN…WITH A PEN”

The Prince went to the door and politely explained to the Hello Fresh salesman that we weren’t interested in signing up.

He came back through laughing, “Why couldn’t you have done that?”

Me: “Because I feel bad and hate saying no. Remember the time you came home and the guy almost had me a signing up to a new utility supplier and I ran off to hide in the bedroom and left you to deal with it? Or when I had agreed to an appointment with a double glazing salesman?”

The Prince: “Yes I do. So what would you have done if I have been here? Signed up?”

Me: “We’d be eating Hello Fresh next week”

The Prince walked off laughing, “THERES A MAN WITH A PEN. You should make that your blip.”

And here we are!


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