
By Tinks

Eis eh, Eis eh, Eis eh Jade sprechens die deutsche

We went out for dinner this evening and ended up sitting outside as it was so nice. After we had eaten, whilst we were finishing our drinks Jade asked if she could get an ice cream from the kiosk next to the restaurant - "But don't YOU ask for it, I would like to ask for my own like I'm paying for it and everything!"

So, Jamie and I stood and watched her chatting away with the man behind the counter and triumphantly come back with her 2 scoop ice cream - one banana and one strawberry!!

"I couldn't remember all the words so I just said 'ich bin nicht Deutch ich bin English. Ein eis bitte. Ein kugle erdbeer und ein kugle and just pointed to the banana 'cos I couldn't remember what it was called but that was a bit stupid really 'cos I think it's the same, then the man gave me what I wanted so I think I did OK really! Oh and then I was so pleased I got my ice cream that I forgot my change and the man had to shout me back and give it to me!!"

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