
By TexMama

Cowboy Church

...back blip....

was not able to get online much last week but I tried to grab a few blips here and there, so now I have a few minutes I'll try to post them.

This is one I took Thursday. I knew I was going to be passing this place and had it on my list of blips but I wasn't able to stop where I could get a shot so I did a drive-by, aim, click and hope - as you can see :0) Apparantly I should have gone to the car wash first as there is an ugly blob in the pic from my dirty car window (I guess opening the window would have fixed that - hindsight is always 20/20 LOL)

Anyhow, this is the Texoma Cowboy Church, so if y'all want some country praise singin' and down to earth preachin' this is the place to go (I can only assume as I'v never been in the place). Apparantly its quite popular as it has grown enourmously since it was first built a few years ago. If you pass by it on a Sunday morning there are cars on the side of the highway as the carpark is full! They even have a rodeo ground out back - how cool is that!?

A little piece of Texas for all my blip friends around the world ;0)

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