Change of colour scheme

Too much orange?? Had
enough autumn colour scheme?
Answer: monochrome :-D

A change from the oranges and browns! They’re still there, obviously but you can’t see them today :-D
Another quiet day, good sleep and gentle pottering. Every year I make calendars as Christmas presents for family and I started in earnest today, so I’ve been happily flicking through photographs to capture the year. Turns out I’ve taken a lot of photos of Leo and not a lot else!! That’s not quite true, it’s coming together nicely, I like to get everyone fairly represented and have the balance of each month right so it’s time consuming but lovely when it’s done.
We had a very wet walk in the woods that necessitated a bath for Leo when we got home. He’s been napping in protest ever since! Mr KCNQ2Haiku is out so I’m about to hit the ‘Doctors’ and ‘Bathtime’ portion of the day. It does mean I can have an easy tea, which always excites me more than it should! Today I have defrosted a fish cake I found in the freezer and I’m really looking forward to it, I really should get out more!!!

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