Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


Steven asked if I wanted to watch Lewis this morning as it was at a later time . I said yes. He loves his team and that showed as we got to the pitch, he grabbed his stuff and was out the car before we had our seat belts off. 
Harris Steven and I made our way through the marshy puddles and mud to get to the pitches.
They played well and won 5-4, with Lewis scoring. Caught a photo of him as he came back after the half time pep talk throwing his water bottle to the ground. 
Full time and the boys were chuffed with their win, all huddling in a circle dancing and singing. 
Harris took his own ball and played himself for pretty much for the hour, finally coming to us for a snack and Dad's phone. 
I went back for lunch and left them to decide what they were going to do for the rest of the afternoon. 
Steven made me leave with apples and milk they wouldn't get through, so I came home and made some white sauce for the freezer and froze the rest of the milk. 
Then back to the sofa. 

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