These are the days...

By ashcroftkiddos

A littly boys dream.....

Playing baseball with Dad on a sunny evening....
Using Dad's big metal bat, that is off limits except for this one time....
Lil Sis is playing at the park, not interfering with the game...
So happy he could run the bases 20 times (and he did)...

Mom's heart fills with pride...

When she hears Dad say, "Run, son, run!"
watching her little boy run so fast, like he's not a little boy anymore...
Seeing how happy lil miss is playing at the park with just mom...
When Tyler is so concerned with making sure she's watching, he forgets to watch the ball!

Mom's heart fills with giggles when....

Tyler says, "Mom, God decided to give me the toots today!"

I'm in love with the simplicity of little kids today. So happy, so pure, and such a blessing!

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