
By CallieJDH

The Grandchildren

What a great day we've had today ! Left home early, collected my parents, drove 120 miles, collected son No 1 and joined family and friends to celebrate my in-laws 60th (Diamond) wedding anniversary. My father-in-law's younger brother (nearly 87) gave a speech of such wit as he described the last sixty years that the younger generation found themselves looking at Great Uncle with renewed admiration and respect ! Amongst other things he described the love story that resulted in five gifted children and the fifteen amazing grandchildren. A photographer was on hand who clicked away all day plus doing posed shots in his "studio" in the corner of the room. So my blip today is fourteen of the fifteen grandchildren (he'll have to be photoshopped in later !) posing for Grandma and Grandad's commemorative photo. Our three are the two bespeckled chaps in the back row and daughter Lucy in the middle behind the two little boys. Memories are made of this ! Happy happy days !

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