Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj


First, I must thank everyone who has enquired about me because I did not post this blip on the day it was made. It was a busy old day and I fell into bed and forgot.

This morning I had a filling at the dentist, followed later by a very helpful psychiatric appointment online.  I had phoned to ask if  a GP would visit, hoping it would be the lovely one who came last week. She was not working today.

I was told it might be a paramedic or a GP. I felt I had to argue a bit to explain why a paramedic was not the right choice.  The poor receptionists have a script to read and it makes life difficult for both sides. I was also keen that no one would visit while I was in appointments, but that was not likely to be possible, although we live just up the road from tithe surgery.

In the event, a GP came later. Sadly it was neither of the two we like. She kept her wet coat on, because she was in a hurry. She never smiled or said anything encouraging. More antibiotics have been prescribed and I am to phone again if there is no improvement after another week. Mum has hardly eaten for 10 days now. Did she mean that was OK? I had to try to get her to eat.

I won’t go on, but it was a tense exchange and I’m sure she was glad to leave us to it.

Mum was a bit better later in the day and managed to eat a little.

The flowers are from Myroon and all her family in Sunderland. They are opening up beautifully to cheer us.

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