Car trouble, what car trouble?
Mr PHL took me down to the Gyle this morning so I could call the recovery services to have the car taken to the garage. I was actually on the line with the operator when I heard the car start. I’d been so sure that the car was in need of some mechanical tlc that I didn’t try to turn the engine over! Mr PHL however had the foresight to do that. We tried stopping and starting the engine several times and it started every time. So I drove home and hopefully it will start again tomorrow. Very odd though.
We took Phin to Dalkeith for a romp through the woods. I was very glad I wore my boots as the mud was ankle deep in places.
After lunch I wrapped up the shawl I’d made for my brother’s partner and we headed to the post office. Hopefully it will get there in time for her birthday on Thursday.
The rest of the day disappeared as I put some effort into the scrap blanket I started ages ago for Phin.
Thanks to osuzanna for hosting TinyTuesday. Found a set of salad servers in the cutlery drawer earlier, a souvenir from the Isle of Man apparently. The end is less than 1/2 an inch (1cm) long so I though it fit the bill for today
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