Take Two

Crocus caspius again.  A seedling from a 2021 sowing, very quick to flower and uniformly a pale pinkish purple.  The one I showed recently was pure white while half and half is the commonest option.  The delicately curled style branches with their sticky white hairs are a diagnostic feature, the sticky hairs waiting for pollen to be deposted.

A trip to the vets for Meg this morning to get her throat checked out after progress to normal had stalled.  No obvious big problem but enough to make her throat a bit sore.  Medication to alleviate that will hopefully be the end of the story.  Then a trip to pottery, a finished piece collected, more rainy day blip fodder!  I also rolled and cut a slab for a new design I am trying, it's very rough and ready at the moment, I will work to make it more presentable when time allows.  For now it's wrapped loosely in plastic as I am away for 36 hours from tomorrow.

The big choir tonight for an hour, much fun trying to master both Welsh words and new tunes.  We're getting there.   At Jamie's after, where he's done a great job tidying the flat today, both of us tired after a busy few days.  He's abed and I'm home but with a birthday cake to bake.  So it's Nos Da from me.

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