Mortonhall Again!

The walk through the avenue of trees was cathartic as I made my way to the funeral of my school friend’s brother at Mortonhall Cremarorium. It was a humanist funeral and we had a poetry reading, music and a short video. His son spoke at length about his father’s illustrious life and as usual I learned more about Paul than I ever did despite spending so much time in their family home as a teenager with his sister, but then he was 5 years older than us and appeared as a god like figure to us giggling school girls.

I had thought I could fit in an entry into the waves first thing, but the strong wind and possibility of a shower of rain persuaded me it was not worth it.  There was a short spell of rain about 9am but the sun appeared later and it was mild and so now of course I now regret my decision.

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