Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

Mr and Mrs Leaf

Today I went for my walk to the 'Royal Edinburgh Community Gardens' to have a look at the leaf people. There's about 8-9 leaf people and they're all doing different things, ie, wheeling a wheelbarrow, digging, etc. Whoever made them is obviously very talented. Ann decided that the best ones for me to be Blipped with, were Mr & Mrs Leaf, who were sitting on a bench having a mug of tea!

I think Ann liked the leaf people more than me. I had to stay on my lead in the community garden. Actually there weren't any notices telling me to stay on my lead. Ann just thought it was the correct thing to do because she didn't want me wandering around on the soil. The community gardens are great. There's all sorts of things growing there and it's all looked after by staff, patients and volunteers.

After we'd had a look around, I got let off my lead so that I could do some squirrel chasing, because there are zillions of squirrels that live in the grounds of the Royal Ed. They were zooming around all over the place and I didn't manage to catch any. Boo hooo.

I also met my friend, Bertie the Beardie, so we played chase together while our owners chatted.

And then guess what happened?...................... I'd gone running off into a woody area to chase squirrels but those pesky little creatures had run up trees when guess what I found................ The mankiest of manky old balls. I think another little doggie must have gone chasing squirrels and dropped their ball in the process. Finders, keepers, so obviously I brought it home. I lay guarding it for half an hour, but I'm in my bed having a snooze now so Ann has chucked it into my manky old balls box.

Oh and if anyone is interested......................... some of the paths were very muddy. Ann tripped over a 'twig' and fell flat on her face onto her kness! She ended up filthy and because she put her hands out to 'save' herself, she has now got a very bruised left hand. The area below her thumb is very swollen, very painful and is starting to look very purple. She's guessing that it will just get better by itself and there's nothing to worry about??!!

And in other news......................... hasn't it been cold today? Guess it's just typical November weather, but brrrrrr................

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