Trixie's Adventures

By TrixieTheCollie

The park – again!

I seem to be spending a lot of time in Braidburn Valley Park. Usually Ann tries to take me to a different place every day for my 'run about time'. I feel as if I've been to Braidburn Valley Park every day for the last 4 days. ….........I have!!!  According to Ann there's a reason for this. It's been raining quite a lot recently and all my normal walking routes are really, really, muddy. The good thing about Braidburn Valley Park is that it has a proper path, so at least Ann stays clean on my walks. Obviously I don't stay clean on my walks, because I do such things as rolling around on my back on the muddy grass and splish, splash, sploshing in the burn.

Today I found a rather lovely stick and I was happily running around with it, when a man who was walking in the opposite direction started calling me to him. Obviously, as he was a very dubious looking character stranger, he didn't know my name, but he was beckoning me towards him. I'm super friendly so off I zoomed to make friends with him.

Meanwhile Ann was thinking................ he looks like a 'druggie'. I hope he's not going to stab me in Braidburn Valley Park and then kidnap my dog. I wasn't wearing my airtag collar so Ann wouldn't have been able to track me if I'd been kidnapped. However, if she'd been stabbed and was lying dying dead, she wouldn't have been able to track me anyway.

…..........Honestly! My human has got such a vivid imagination.

He didn't stab Ann and he didn't kidnap me!!!

Do you know what he said? He said, 'I have never seen such a happy, friendly, little puppy before.' Ann said, 'She's not a puppy. She's five.' 'Druggie actually he probably wasn't a druggie, just a strange person said, 'You are so lucky to have such a lovely dog'. Ann said, 'Yes I am, aren't I?' And then she walked off because she didn't really want to prolong the conversation.

Cities are full of strange people and 30-40 years ago encounters like this would have just been part & parcel of daily life. Does any other human think that the older they get; they see danger at every corner?

Anyway I had a lovely time in the park, but because Druggie/strange person was making such a fuss of me; I dropped my rather lovely stick and I forgot to pick it up again.

Tbh, when Ann clipped me back on my lead, I probably would have left it in the park anyway. If I bring sticks home, I have to keep them on the balcony and then when Ann thinks I'm not looking she disposes of them.

Weather forecast is looking OK for tomorrow. Perhaps I'll go somewhere a bit more interesting for my walk than Braidburn Valley Park??!!

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