By lizzie_birkett

Not quite the full moon

It’s been a gorgeous sunny - if very cold day. 

We had choir this morning - the men kept getting pulled up for their diction - Doctorof instead of Doctor - of. 

Back home for lunch and had it sitting in the extension - just lovely!
Frank brought the little lemon tree inside as it’s to be frosty.
I’m surprised it has survived for 5 years though we’ve only had 2 lemons in that time.

Tomorrow we drive up to Airdrie as wee Lucy has a Musical Dance show in Glasgow on Sunday. It will be lovely to see them all again.

Good news that some hostages have been released. What a relief it must be for them and their families.
I just wish it would all end and Israel would stop the bombing and occupation. I read today that massive reservoirs of oil and gas lie beneath the occupied Gaza territories. That says it all…

Book and bedtime now, Frank is at his music session at the pub tonight.
I didn’t feel like going out so had a cosy night in with Bella.
Goodnight :-) X

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