
By Stuart9613

Carry On NHS

Some of you will be old enough to remember the carry on films and I was reminded of them this morning.Those of you who read my nonsense regularly will know that Helens very long awaited operation was cancelled on Monday after going through the pre-op last Friday for the op today.Imagine her surprise when they rang first thing this morning wondering where she was! No one had told the theatre department that the procedure had been cancelled. Imagine just how effective the NHS could be if the right hand knew what the left hand was doing.

I am also old enough to remember when the S in NHS stood for service and not shambles.I am also old enough to remember when a GP ( Anyone spotted one of these lately?) would do house calls and you would see the same one on each visit (that was your family doctor).

Anyway. A busy day on the nursery with Helen transplanting.She has finished the third batch of viola and started the third batch of pansy.A frost forecast overnight so we have closed the vents early, set the heater thermostats and covered the geraniums on the heated benches with fleece.
I had planned on a bit of work in the building after tea but it was warm and comfortable indoors so it can wait until the morning.

A bright and dry day.Cold with the wind from the north.

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