An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Kilty, kilty, cauld bum...

No kilts in my blip but I am sure the ducks and swans must have cauld  bums when they are in the freezing water!

I had the best sleep last night.  Lights out at midnight and slept right through to 7.00am.  Unheard of!

Tesco delivery arrived right on cue.  All items present and correct :-) 

Such a beautiful morning.  Blue skies and sunshine but bitter cold. David, Agnes and Adrian wrapped up and took Lola a walk up a nearby hill that is easily accessed from the cottage.  Stunning views from the top.  

Afterwards we headed to the Hirsel Estate and had lunch in the Hirsel Cottage tea room.  It was absolutely delicious and the best ham and lentil soup (made with ham hough) I've had in a long time.  

Discussions over lunch included trying to pin point the moment in our lives when we became grumpy old sods settled into middle age and stopped giving a flying feck about all the stupid things we used to care about.  None of us could say for certain when it happened, but we all agree we're glad it did :D 

After resisting their puddings and cakes (we had goodies waiting for us back at the cottage :-) we went for a short stroll round the Hirsel Estate but the cold beat us and we returned to the car and back to the cottage for coffee and apple turnovers and jam doughnuts.  

Since then I've been editing photos whilst laughing at David and Agnes who are zonked out on a sofa each, with Lola out cold on the floor, and Adrian having a snooze in bed!  It's all rock n roll here!  lol

They are stirring now though so since it's gone 5pm, it must be gin, wine and nibbles time as we work up to Strictly and Dr Who :D 

Middle age is fun :-))

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