campervan man

By campervan

One last sad little flower

Cold day, lazy wind that goes through you rather than round.
I have (foolishly) started to try and improve the allotment area of the garden. 
Over the years I have built various raised beds, the last one completed a couple of months ago. When I built my earliest efforts I was very concerned with getting good drainage and put lots of hardcore in the bottom of them. The result of this was very dry beds that I could not grow root crops in as there was not enough depth of soil. 
So I have spent time moving the soil, taking out the hardcore and replacing it with horse poo before putting the dirt back on top. Hopefully this work will provide better results next year.
Two other growing areas are where the old polly-tunnel used to be, really its one with a sunken path splitting it in half. This path is solid and well laid paving stones but gets flooded in heavy rain. It occurred to me that all the hardcore from the raised beds could be used to make the path higher. So today I have taken up a perfectly good path and started spreading rubble in its place. A lot of work to make the place look an absolute mess. 
Tomorrow a new higher path will be in place and everything will look good again. I might have to revisit this last statement in 24 hours or so.

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