
By ayearinthelife

Rocking All Over The World

From the stance, and the fact that I’m playing “C”, this is us channeling our inner Status Quo and we were definitely rocking all over this weekend. Possibly not all over the world but certainly all over South Lakeland! Friday night was in Kendal and then we had two gigs in Ulverston yesterday.
Things did not always go to plan though. On Friday, the van was late turning up because they had to go back for some things that had been forgotten. Which meant a very rushed get in and set up, so we were a bit late starting. That theme continued on Saturday afternoon as Ulverston was so busy with the Dickensian Festival that we struggled to get anywhere near the venue to unload. And a late start meant a late finish, so the chance to relax between the afternoon and evening gigs was not as long as I would have liked.
So it was quite a tired bunch of musicians who assembled at The Piel Castle for the final gig. I say “assembled” but the place was absolutely rammed with people who had obviously been drinking for most of the day and seemed totally oblivious to us trying to get all the equipment in. Sometimes only a mic stand in the ribs will persuade people to move aside!
Still, couldn’t complain too much because the more people drink, the better we sound!
Having done three gigs in 24 hours, I’m somewhat exhausted today. But there is no peace for the wicked, as it’s Panto rehearsal this afternoon. Thankfully, we’ve been concentrating on scenes that I don’t do a lot in, so it’s not been as tiring as it could be.
Good job I’ve got six days off now before the next gig. Well, I say six days off, but there are still three gym visits, a quiz night and another rehearsal to squeeze into that time. I really do wonder how I ever found time to do anything when I actually had to work for a living!

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