Wells by night

Mum not feeling great again today.  She had a good sleep last night - as did I (I didn't wake up until just before her carer came), but woke up feeling a bit nauseous and spaced out - so opted to stay in bed.  I'd been planning to go home today, but thought I'd better stay on for another day at least.  Spoke to my brother later, who said he would come and take over from me tomorrow.  (Appreciated, because I am exhausted.)

I had a generally pretty restful day.  Even did a bit of work this afternoon (trying to get ahead for what I know will be a busy week).  I popped out in the early evening to pick up some more milk and a ready meal from Budgens, and walked back the long way round, just to get a bit of exercise.

Fed Mum her dinner (the awkward angle in bed, and her weakness, makes it difficult for her, so she let me feed it to her), then got my own, and had a relatively quiet night.

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