
By SweetArt

A beauty …. But what is it?

heads up ... .long journal entry ...

Ben's going off to Sydney for the day to attend uni (which is based in Sydney) and work on a group project, so I dropped him off at the Sunshine Coast airport first thing.

But today's pain was even worse,  I did go into work though.  Kate said I looked really unwell and that I shouldn't be at work ... but I only work 3 days and if I took the day off, that would mean I work even less!!!!!

Anyway, I persevered through the day with severe pain and found it hard to breathe, cough .... my chest was truly painful.

Kate and I went out to do a bit of Christmas shopping but I was in a real state.  Anyway, managed to get through the day but made an appointment with my chiro straight after work to see if they could adjust me.   Didn't really help but I was glad I went.

I had texted Martin to come home early from work cause I just wasn't up to cooking, looking after the cats, anything. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to and was actually later than normal. 

When he did come home he started dinner and then it was time to pick Ben up from the airport. So I went to get him. He was horrified to see how bad I looked and felt really guilty.  Got home to attempt to eat some dinner, but just couldn't.

I burst into tears as the pain was just too much and I could hardly breathe, even shallow breathing was painful.  So Ben insisted that Martin take me to emergency which I was very reluctant to do.  But they both insisted and off we went to emergency in Noosa where I spent the next 5 hours .... had bloodwork done, a CT scan, hooked up to a heart monitor, and finally found out that I have pleurisy!!!!

Shock, horror ... what in the world.  I asked the doctor how is this even  a thing in this day and age, as I thought it was an 'ancient' disease.  Apparently it's still around and yes there are people with pleurisy in Noosa!!!

Martin and I were really impressed with the treatment at Noosa Hospital and how well they looked after me.  And I really enjoyed the wonderful effects of the painkillers and felt like a human again .... after years.  Cancer meds have some nasty side effects and one of them is joint pain ... everywhere!!!

I felt so bad for Ben, he had the best day in Sydney, and then came home to a mum who felt like she was on death's door!!!!!

And that was probably one of my strangest days, EVER!

Oh, yeah, and I spotted this Christmas beetle on a tyre out at the shopping centre.

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