Aujourd 'hui

Today was the day we headed off to Paris for Alexander's Birthday treat.
After taking F to Pre-school & dispensing with the hound, we boarded Air France (after a hairy 2 days of cancellations due to strikes), & jetted off to Charles De Gaulle.
Catching a packed commuter train & navigating our way through the unfamiliar Parisian streets, we finally collected the key from a nearby bar & headed to our "Old style, traditional Parisian apartment".
Darkness had fallen by this time & our feet where weary.
Ménlimontant in the 20th Arrondissement, was to be our home for the next few days & this is the backstreet church adjacent to us...pretty stunning for an un-advertised "attraction"
A little stumbled upon restaurant cafe served us both delicious steaks & a lovely well deserved bottle of rouge.
Sleep was welcome after a long & well travelled day- let the sight seeing begin in earnest tomorrow!

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