Dr Jones

By jones

Cycling to school

Daughter #2 wanted to cycle to school today. It was her friend's birthday yesterday and she had been given a bike for her birthday too. They both cycled to school together.
I too cycled to work for the first time in ages.
My son went to work with hubby today. All boys in his year had to go to work with one of their parents and shadow them for the day. He quite enjoyed the day and was fascinated with some of the quirky characters at hubby's workplace.
The weather has really warmed up today. Daughter #2 and her friend sat in the garden after school and had an ice cream. They then went for a long ride on their bikes round bushy park.
Daughter #1 went to the rounders after school club and then brought her friend back here.
Hubby cooked dinner on the BBQ and we dined al fresco.
One of the members of the canoe club was selling his V bars so after hubby had assembled the roof bars onto the car, we went to pick up the v bars £45. Now we're all kitted out for the trip to Nottingham this weekend.

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