Birthday girl - 12 today

I thought I was up before everyone else but when I went to daughter #1's bedroom, I found daughter #2 (birthday girl) in bed with her. I told her that I would go to the bakery to buy the lunch box crusty rolls and I'd be back for her to open her presents. When I got back from the baker's, two of the kids were in the garden in their pyjamas asking why I'd taken so long ! I'd only been gone 5 minus but I guess 5 minutes is a long time when you've got a pile of presents to open.
The presents that she got from us were:
bike (and water bottle holder)
secret seven books
wreck my journal
paint and brushes
lindor chocolates
schleich animals (goats and ducks)
a tin to keep her food colouring
fluff (horrible american marshmallow stuff)
..and other small bits and bobs

After school, she brought two of her friends back home with her (Lily and Saskia)
The girls didn't go kayaking tonight. The weather is horrible - wind and rain.
My son came home with some of his end of year exam results. They were not as good as I was expecting. He claimed at the time that he knew everything. It seems not judging by the marks he's achieved.
We went out for a meal to celebrate daughter #2's birthday and both her school friends came with us. Hubby stayed for only a few minutes and had to rush off home because he was feeling sick. He must have caught the bug that daughter #2 had on Sunday.
When we got home he was wrapped up in bed covered in blankets and daughter #2 made him a hot water bottle. He is not very well tonight. He has thrown up a number of times.

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