
By H22

Place: Largo, FL 68/81
Main activity: Fri - planet of December
Notes: Slept till about 430a but went back to sleep and dozed in and out of dreams until 8a!! WOW! Really needed that - everything feels a bit different today tho I can't pinpoint any one thing or how it's different ... I'm calling it the planet of December (somehow I seem to be inhabiting today). The  new On-Peak electric rates kick in today for winter and I'm having to add 5 more hours on weekday mornings to being mindful of that. Re-watched a Janine and JeanClaude video and then dug back into gallery images until about 1030a. Warmer day and decided to go to pool for a bit for fresh air and some sunshine - felt good. Nestor's last day and they had a thank-you lunch for him noon-1p, I took a card over at noon and chatted for a few min w/ Eric & Linda, Andy & Tracy and Cary & Christine. Headed back then to work some more, had pizza and salad. Call ~3p with Michelle Dion in VA about a website. Later shower and a bit more work - talked to Ellen at the gallery for a bit ... then relaxing for the evening. The ferris wheel continues to be a source of fascination and gratitude for me.

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