
This morning it was cloudy and about -6°C, so it wasn't obvious how to amuse myself. However, I'd had the Tierpark recommended to me, it was only across the road from my hotel and €18, so I went. Lots of the animals were tucked up warmly in their beds, but there were sufficient bracing the cold - or happy in it - to be of interest. Indeed, spent longer observing each species than I might. I know polar bears struggle in captivity, and summer in Berlin must be awful, so it was good to see the two here in a better environment today. Other interesting animals out and about were the red panda, the snow leopard and, more unlikely perhaps, the camels and cheetahs. 

The Tierpark is the biggest zoo in Europe (by area) so the enclosures were large and well spread. 

Afterwards, I went for a long walk exploring this corner of East Berlin, before stopping at a bar where I'm about to eat. 

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