Today A walked Django in the morning, so I got on with assessing the results of overnight experiments. I didn't act on them because I was helping PhD student B debug his code, and then got caught up with administration for him.
I went out with Django before it went dark, as I was taking part in Day 2 of PlanetGary's Turf advent challenge. Today's had a random element to it, and getting the zones to complete it took longer than I'd expected, as it required me to take two zones in woodland that was, by then, pitch dark. Django enjoyed the outing - when doesn't he? - and I worked up a good appetite for the nut roast in pastry that A had prepared. Getting back earlier with Django meant that we had more time to talk. However, I need to take him out now for a few minutes.
What a wonderful FA Cup draw this evening, even if United are unlikely to progress.
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